Better authentic mammon than a bogus god..
There are old mycologists and there are bold mycologists, but there are no old, bold mycologists..
I could make you read the entire quadrant exposition again...BACK TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK..
I still feel like I'm 19. We're old now!.
An image is always only showing what's necessary for a thought, not the thought itself..
Nothing is worth doing pointlessly..
I grill, therefore I am..
I gravitate toward women..
No one can get to the Right of me..
I'm getting more famouser by the day!.
Every experience is worth having..
It is much more rewarding to do more with less..
I'm Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!.
My drive is something that I don't fully understand..
Our wills are ours, to make them Thine..
Main Street has too much debt already. It is simply a bonanza for speculators who can borrow the overnight money and then buy something that they can….
Either is both, and Both is neither..
My work is has always been very, very personal..
And see she flies, and she is everywhere..
Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody..
The better I shoot, the less I have to maneuver..