Maybe it's what we don't say/that saves us..
To create is to resist, to resist is to create..
Faith is only as good as the one in whom it's invested..
Nobody is beyond the reach of the Gospel..
No one ever gets to see what could’ve been..
I'd always find the positive in someone..
I'll tell you what can make bacon better... nothing..
It's engrained in us by society not to love ourselves..
A smile becomes you or perhaps you become you when you smile..
Identify the thing that is going to stop you and then stop it..
You don't have to take yourself so seriously all the time..
It's amazing how large the things are that it's possible to overlook..
I made so many recordings with junky mics and crappy mixing consoles, you have to use what your tools are and in some ways that's been inspirational..
I don't belong to the straights now - they didn't get me back..
I'm happy to be where I am and how everything has turned out..
I watched a lot of movies. I was deeply influenced by movies..
The spectacle is capital accumulated to the point where it becomes image..
When you get to the top, stay there and make sure other women join you..
To see things as they really were--what an empoverishment!.
No one actually lives as if there is no objective truth..
It was as though he didn't exist, and then suddenly, he was everywhere..