There's something Vichy about the French..
I always say, what really makes a movie commercial is that it makes its money back..
I don't really get recognised very much..
There is no happiness without patriotism..
I'm not going to be remotely funny..
I don't get handed money - and I never will. I have to work!.
I see things that nobody else sees.
Power which can be abused, will be abused..
What appears is good; what is good appears..
Maybe it's what we don't say/that saves us..
To create is to resist, to resist is to create..
Faith is only as good as the one in whom it's invested..
Nobody is beyond the reach of the Gospel..
No one ever gets to see what could’ve been..
I'd always find the positive in someone..
I'll tell you what can make bacon better... nothing..
It's engrained in us by society not to love ourselves..
A smile becomes you or perhaps you become you when you smile..
Identify the thing that is going to stop you and then stop it..
You don't have to take yourself so seriously all the time..
It's amazing how large the things are that it's possible to overlook..