There is no theory of a God, of an author of Nature, of an origin of the Universe, which is not utterly repugnant to my faculties. . ..
Without Satan, with God only, how poor a universe, how trite a music!.
Choosing a job or business is the same thing. I'm not the best one to advise someone how to make billions of dollars; I don't know how to do that. Bu….
Universe is plural at minimum sixfold..
There is nothing in this universe you need more desperately than Christ..
The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards..
There is nothing outside the universe..
If the being of God ceased for one second, the universe would disappear..
The rule of the universe is that others can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, and one can paddle every canoe except one's own..
When a man truly commits, the universe will conspire to assure his success..
You are not in charge of the universe; you are in charge of yourself..
Il n'y a pas d'autre univers qu'un univers humain, l'univers de la subjectivite humaine. There is no other universe except the human universe, the ….
Do it for yourself. The universe will be around to collect its cut later..
At the core of the universe, the face of God wears a smile.
This whole universe is but a drop of His Beauty!.
All the visible universe is nothing but a shop of images and signs..
I’m living in separate universes, and I have no idea where I actually belong..
Brightest truth, purest trust in the universe, all were for me, in the kiss of one girl..
The universe works with you and for you. It is not your enemy..
No matter what you think-life goes on and the world still turns and the universe has its own story. The most we can do is plan anyway, but understand….
When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you control all the laws..