What you have to learn to do, you learn by doing..
No one can be perfectly happy till all are happy..
I'm never embarassed..
All women are sisters..
We're on tour for six months out of the year..
The future did not arrive..
Times are bad, God is good..
One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect at the same time..
There are no endings..
Now I am almost entirely love..
Freedom always comes with a price..
You don't have to do anything..
Live close, visit often..
Studying the behavior of large whales has been likened to astronomy. The observer glimpses his subjects, often at long range; he cannot do experiment….
There are worse things than being constantly hired to do anything..
Richard Dunne comes from a great footballing family... the Dunne family.
Underconfidence breeds underachievement..
One doesn't have to get anywhere in a marriage. It's not a public conveyance..
Ultimately, leadership is more about 'being' than 'doing.'.
Meryl Streep is awesome. I really want to work with Emma Stone; she is adorable. Now I want to work with Octavia Spencer, because I met her and she's….
Where's the rest of me?.