As much as you can in your life, say yes..
I have wished you something None of the others would..
I would love to do something with Coldplay..
The original deal we made was that Walker would be treated like a regular movie, rather than an arthouse thing..
Become such as you are, having learned what that is..
You'd better stop readin' and writin' and start hittin' !.
I like to be surprised by life..
Relationships are now off-kilter..
Beauty and wisdom are rarely conjoined..
I am not a ventriloquist..
There are things about which I don't even talk to myself..
Nothing is put on pause. Everything is still happening. And then as far as just reflecting on what got you to where you are, there aren't very many t….
Shirley MacLaine: what an asshole..
Most of us have more potential than we will ever develop. What holds us back is often a lack of courage..
I modeled from the time I was 15 until I was 20..
I respect religion and will respect any religion..
I love Italy so much, I want to change it in order to make sure it can be all that it can..
The truth I know for sure is that god is the creator of all things. And to not take ourselves too seriously..
I flee who chases me and chase who flees me..
Peace prevails when food suffices.
I'm going to build a reactor, that's for sure..