The love of power excludes all others..
I really fell in love with Africa..
Life learned early on to recognize itself..
You can't reach your potential without haters..
He who never hurries is always on time..
Por que bonita, se coxa? Por que coxa, se bonita?.
Music has always been a part of my life. I make music all the time..
The only rule is there's only one rule: no rules..
I'm in no rush to become extremely famous..
God is either everything, or He is nothing..
I've been making music ever since, but it was never something I thought I could make any money doing..
Happiness is not a place - it is a direction..
Science is almost totally incompatible with religion..
You can learn a lot of things from being in movies..
My marriage has worked because I am not around much..
The things that motivate human beings, they don't change, emotionally..
I'm far too middle-class to morally object to a paying job..
But the word of the Gospel is not as the word of an earthly prince..
Yes. I've been asked to pose nude, but I never have, and I probably never will..
I'm more confident now than I've ever been. As you get older, you have to be..
I have total control over everything. I'm doing it all for me..