The Gods rank work above virtues..
For, truly speaking, whoever provokes me to a good act or thought has given me a pledge of his fidelity to virtue,--he has come under the bonds to ad….
There is also something excellent in every audience,--the capacity of virtue. They are ready to be beatified..
Think about the fool who by his virtue can be found in a most unusual situation playing jester to the clown..
Few are those who wish to be endowed with virtue rather than to seem so..
It is in virtue of unity that beings are beings..
Silence is a virtue in those who are deficient in understanding..
Fashions smile has given wit to dullness and grace to deformity, and has brought everything into vogue, by turns, but virtue..
If the highest things are unknowable, then the highest capacity or virtue of man cannot be theoretical wisdom..
My sorrows are overwhelming, but my virtue is left to me..
Moral prejudices are the stopgaps of virtue; and, as is the case with other stopgaps, it is often more difficult to get either out or in through them….
A difficult form of virtue is to try in your own life to obey what you believe to be God's will..
Strive always to excel in virtue and truth..
All of those who inhabit the world have a right to be here by virtue of their being here at all. To be here means you have a right to be here..
I intend to follow the path of virtue. It will not be overcrowded..
Moral vices prosper by dressing themselves as virtues..
The virtuous carry out the settlement, but those without virtue pursue their claims..
What time can be more beautiful when the one in which the finest virtues, innocent cheerfulness and indefinable longing for love constitute the sole ….
Whenever there are great virtues, it's a sure sign something's wrong..
Feminine virtue is nothing but a convenient masculine invention..
For science is ... like virtue, its own exceeding great reward..