I have nothing to say. And I am saying it. That's poetry..
When you love what you do, you can work all the time..
Disinformation is most effective in a very narrow context..
Don't decide yet," Hephaestus advised. "Wait until daybreak. Daybreak is a good time for decisions..
I don't enter, I'm entered. It's up to someone else. It's up to them..
* What we do to others, we do to ourselves..
God can only be comprehended as Love..
There is always time for failure.
Work isn't really work for me..
When I was younger, things got to me more, but not now..
With each new album: I need to kill the last version of me..
I have a background in theater, so I have experience with actors. I like actors - I used to be one..
David Wong is like a mash-up of Douglas Adams and Stephen King . . . ‘page-turner’ is an understatement..
Nobody can hear you read music..
Usually we are saying only part of the truth..
When the money goes bad, everything else goes bad..
I'm loving N.Y., and words can't even describe how happy I am to be here..
Gotham Games called me, and I could not be more thrilled. I've been waiting to be in a video game forever, so when they called there was no hesitatio….
I never sit down to write. When I'm moved, I do it. I just wait for it to come. You just hear it. I can't really describe writing. It's in my head..
If I can't wait for you at the end of an aisle on your wedding day, I'll wait for you in heaven..
He raged for hours. And the skeleton, ever the frail and solelmn philosopher, hung quietly inside, saying not a word, suspended like a delicate insec….