I actually think being involved in the cesarean would be... I just can't wait!.
At the moment, I'm certainly not thinking 'never again', but neither am I thinking 'I can't wait to play that part again'. I'm somewhere in between..
Stop looking for the next secret door that is going to lead you to your real life. Stop waiting. This is it: there's nothing else..
Let me finish my beer." (Stark) "Of course. The end of the world can wait.(Kasabian).
My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip, my toes to numb to step, wait only for my boot heels to be wandering..
I lost everyone I loved," I tell him. I wait for him to look at me, and then I add, "The day I met you..
She knew this music--knew it down to the very core of her being--but she had never heard it before. Unfamiliar, it had still always been there inside….
Knowing that every single day is so filled with potential - you cannot wait for life to give you anything. You have no right to feel entitled. You ar….
You have time. Meaning don't use it, but pass through time in patience, waiting for something to come. Prepare for its arrival. Don't rush to meet it….
There was no point in waiting until the next world. You had to do everything now, every kind of sin..
For years I did take my time, but that was because I hated waiting to hit shots - I adopted a pace where I didn't have to stand by my ball and wait..
Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side..
Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all..
When you discover your sexuality - like when you're little, you don't notice it. Then suddenly you're walking down the street and you're whistled at.….
This is the reason why the doctrine of plurality of wives was revealed, that the noble spirits who are waiting for tabernacles might be brought forth.
The various elements of truth stand in perpetual antithesis, sometimes requiring us to believe apparent opposites while we wait for the moment when w….
It's great that we're bringing democracy to Iraq. I can't wait to see how we do it! What are we gonna do, give them our civics textbooks?.
I did The Fifth Element and [Jean-Claude] Mezieres, the artist of Valerian; he was working on Fifth Element. And he's actually the one who say, why d….
Yes, and only if my own true love was waiting If I could hear his heart softly pounding Yes, and only if he was lying by me Would I lie in my bed onc….
I stopped waiting for the world to give me what I wanted; I started giving it to myself..
I cry very easily. It can be a movie, a phone conversation, a sunset - tears are words waiting to be written..