I simply want to take a break and catch my breath. But I also think that, sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to deliberately keep some time f….
When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory..
If you want to live your life through to the end, you have to live dangerously..
At the end of their relationship she asked if they could still remain friends. His face stayed expressionless until he said "No. Because we put frien….
In life, we choose whether or not we want to be a winner or a loser..
I just want it to be timeless and timely at the same time..
I have total control over everything. I'm doing it all for me..
I only want to be associated with music that is high quality. That's my main criteria..
The new atheism as an old atheism, except it's much more aggressive. The new atheism wants to destroy religion. That's a very different thing. The ar….
I never imagined any of the success I am currently experiencing..
I don't read music. Not even essentially. Not even nonessentially..
A lot of times you're just conditioned by what's around you..
You learn a lot about each other from a tour, musically and humanly..
Restriction generates yearning. You want what you cannot have..
Yes. I've been asked to pose nude, but I never have, and I probably never will..
Women do not want power over men, they want power over themselves..
God wants us to have soft hearts and hard feet. The trouble with so many of us is that we have hard hearts and soft feet..
Even when I'm old and grey I'll probably be cruising around and bunny-hopping and stuff. In the words of the Descendents, "I don't want to grow up.".
People don't want to be 'marketed to'; they want to be “communicated with..
I'm more confident now than I've ever been. As you get older, you have to be..
There is so much Everything that Nothing is hidden quite nicely.