God created us to be channels of blessing, but our ability to receive the resources with which He wants us to bless others, depends on our being able….
We do have to remain true to the idea of honesty within what you want to do..
Women basically want the same thing - a good passionate story, a great fantasy - and for our partners to do the laundry and the washing up..
Some people will of course accuse me of misanthropy and cynicism. I can't celebrate humanity but I'm not out to indict it either. I just want to expo….
One thing I want to say: I don't like victim stories and I don't write them..
When I want to show the kind of meanness people are capable of, to make it believable I find I have to tone it down. It's in real life that people ar….
When I'm on the net, someone always wants to chat with me. But outside of MySpace, it's a completely different world. I don't get recognized that muc….
I think we have replaced MTV. MySpace is more convenient. You can search for things, while MTV is just delivering things to you. On MySpace you can p….
If you want the reader to accept the premise as a given, then being specific is vital. This is what I'm after; I want the reader to accept the settin….
You want the story to end when it's supposed to and not be squeezed for somebody's financial gain..
If you want to be around in 10 years you've got to do something to differentiate yourself from the pack..
I own more shotguns than I need. But less shotguns than I want..
Love stories are probably all Ive ever been able to write or want to write..
Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want..
I do chat to my mother in Norwegian, particularly when we want a secret conversation. It is useful that way..
For me, I am constantly forcing myself to evolve, because, I think, to stagnate creatively - there's a certain death that happens with that. Because ….
God wants us to pray that we might have the courage to live before him in ways that are not natural to us..
It is worse to be irresolute than to be wrong..
Every day I have many choices to make about who I want to be..
No-one wants acorns, but everyone wants oaks..
What do you want for your life? And how are you going to get it? Figure that out. And then follow me to gloryville..