Nothing will enrich your life as much as the appreciation of art. If you want to 'Live Rich', you have to - absolutely have to - include art in your ….
The strength that we want is not a brute, unregulated strength; the beauty that we want is no mere surface beauty; but we want a beauty on the surfac….
Man has wants deeper than can be supplied by wealth or nature or domestic affections. His great relations are to his God and to eternity..
If you want to learn about an organization, try to change it..
Anything lower than mid-six figures is not going to get me interested in that. And honestly, I just don't want to..
People used to want to be filmmakers and animators; now they want to make apps..
I didn't want to put myself, or anyone else, asleep with another quintessential Mark Kozelek album..
I never really made much money playing music. It's because I've never really worked with a producer who could make my music sound, I guess, like how ….
I'm f**king pathetic when it comes to being an entertainer. People come because they want to see me have a nervous breakdown..
How doe we create the world we want, rather than a world that just happens to us?.
Acting is something where you have to completely remove yourself. So, do I find acting easy? Absolutely no! Do I want to do more of it? Do I enjoy do….
You know how it is with drawers and labels in the music business. They don't want anything to be complicated. They just want it simple, as simple as ….
You gotta know what you are, who you are and how you want to be portrayed..
As a performer, I want to hit the last row of the arena. I want to make big moves. I'm a spaz, naturally..
I love to perform. I've never lost the urge. I've never once been on stage when I didn't want to be..
As a lead singer, all I want to do is be in my own head and think about how great I am. That's a lead singer's disease..
A man can reach into anything and turn it to his cause. It's not want, or desire, just certainty. Only be assured that whatever you reach into will r….
A gourmet knows that the best part is not always the expensive part, and he will find that part, and then he will share it. A gourmet should want to ….
People asked me what I want as an epitaph: 'He tried'.
I want enough time to be in love with everything . . ..
I want to let [my photographs] be something that comes from the model in her own way. I don't want to take the models too much out of their own skin.….