Stay away from restaurants that have menus in five languages. Thats always a tourist trap. You want to eat where the locals eat..
When we realize and embrace the Lord's will for us, we will love to do it. We won't want to do anything else. It's a passion..
You want attention, you want to grab some of that airspace that exists out there in a world that's very difficult to get it because it's so competiti….
Profits are part of the mechanism by which society decides what it wants to see produced..
If you want to promote anything, all the work that you put into it is basically promoting the idea of it so that people will go for it. And if they d….
Like most parents, I want everything for my kids that I didn't have. But I don't intend to spoil them. I just enjoy everything that comes naturally w….
I don't want to take myself too seriously. That's my lesson to myself..
So many singers want to act, and so many actors try to sing..
All I ever want to do is what I am: a singer..
I never want to lose my Canadian-ness...and when I say Canadian-ness, I mean down-to-earth. I like being able to not take myself seriously and to not….
I can't get mad about peoples' opinions, I always say that. That's their opinion. They got every right to say or think whatever they want to say and ….
There's always someone going to come around who can be better than the best. You want to be the first. No one can ever forget the first..
I never wanted to be known as a local rapper. Not downing anybody, but you know Gucci, that's cool to me, but I want to be massive. I want to be Kany….
Realize that change - whilst we want it to happen fast - is usually the result of a great deal of work, and often comes as a result of a series of co….
I don't need anybody to market or promote me. If people don't want to hear this music, then it's not for them. You cannot please everybody..
Whatever you want to do with your life, you really got to want it. And if you want it, and you work hard, it will happen..
On my very first show, my partners in it, Oprah Winfrey and her network, and studio, Warner Horizon, who doesn't get enough credit, said, "Lady, we'r….
When you’re O.C.D., you want the most beautiful animals..
I play a lot of, maybe a little bit, cartoonish people. I've been a Bond villain, and I play a lot of villains, people who want to take over somethin….
I do not want to make this charge. I do not see how it can succeed. I would not make it now but that General Lee has ordered it and expects it..
Obviously I am not happy but they can throw what they want at me, I will come back stronger..