After India's victory in the war he was asked what would have happened if he had opted to be with the Pakistan Army at the time of partition in 1947,….
I saw a large, red dried swath that I immediately identified clearly as blood. I covered the war in Vietnam. I saw a lot of it [blood] there..
In a tribal organization, even in time of peace, service to tribe or state predominates over all self seeking; in war, service for the tribe or state….
War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means..
Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations....
I, serial number 30743, Lieutenant General in reserves Yitzhak Rabin, a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces and in the army of peace, I, who have s….
Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living..
In these days before antiseptics, doctors themselves also suffered high mortality rates. Florence Nightingale, a nurse during the Crimean War (1853-1….
What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life..
I like what I like, I don't like what I don't like, and I'm very bad at toning myself down..
I get happy very easily and very often..
Genius unexerted is no more genius than a bushel of acorns is a forest of oaks..
Middle-class-led reform movements, from the Progressive Era to the War on Poverty, have been marred by an elitist distance from the would-be benefici….
So great are the psychological resistances to war in modern nations, that every war must appear to be a war of defence against a menacing, murderous ….
Whenever you have a war, the civilians and the innocents will pay the price. That's in any war, any war is a bad war..
In the World War [WW1] nothing was more dreadful to witness than a chain of men starting with a battalion commander and ending with an army commander….
I don’t predict a nonexisting future..
God doesn't just love all of us. He loves each of us..
I became Gauleiter in 1927..
I shall participate, I shall contribute, and in so doing, I will be the gainer..
The first World War in so many ways shaped the 20th century and really remade our world for the worse..