There's the media-driven universe, in which the public perceives you in a superficial way. Then there's the universe that you actually inhabit, where….
If someone has a Muslim background and they're willing to reject those tenets and to accept the way of life that we have and clearly will swear to pl….
What is that which can never die It is that faithful force that is born into us that one that is greater than us that calls new seed to the open and ….
I feel that there is a culture being built that is a celebration of agony. There is also a celebration of being an outcast, to the degree that you ar….
I do what I do because I love it..
It is a paradox. Life is that way. God designed it that way. I believe I met him once. He was full of mischief..
I'm seeking to have an art that is engaged as a way for saying, 'Hurray for unity..
My household is, in a nice way, very busy..
There is hardly anybody good for everything, and there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing..
I think music is a spiritual way to communicate transcendental things..
Why do I love being naked? Because I was born that way?.
The interesting thing about doing a play is to find a way to make it fresh and do it as though you were doing it for the first time..
You know you have found love when you can't find your way back..
Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with passion..
Command is often not what you do but the way you do it..
To say more, is to say less..
An hour to one person might be way more than like a week to somebody else..
I don't feel in any way obligated to remain current with the culture. I feel no social obligation whatsoever. I trust my morality in the narrow path ….
As thy days, so shall thy strength be..
Don't just talk about it, do it..
When you've got 5 minutes to fill, Twitter is a great way to fill 35 minutes..