The only way to handle big business is to delegate, delegate, delegate..
The loving touch, like music, often utters the things that cannot be spoken..
Sometimes being a good mother gets in the way of being a good person..
There is no doubt that the planet is going through a transformation where all of us are learning to recognize our wholeness. The soul is being ground….
I am inexpressibly grateful that the Lord of my life has granted to me in such abundance these opportunities to take part in the life of his ecclesia….
Leadership is happening, but it's not coming from the leaders of the old institutions. Everywhere you look, you see these extraordinary, sparkling ne….
They like to take all this money from sin, build big universities to study in, sing Amazing Grace all the way to the Swiss banks..
All of music is connected, but a lot of people don't see it that way.
My poetry has become the way of my giving out what music is within me..
In many ways, I think it's easier in some ways, or it's more entertaining or more guaranteed to be entertaining than traditional improvising. Again, ….
When you are in love- everything is romantic.
Read it aloud to yourself because that's the only way to be sure the rhythms of the sentences are OK..
History's like a story in a way: it depends on who's telling it..
The best way to lose weight is to put the handle of the fridge two inches from the ground..
It's kind of dangerous to cut in the camera, but that's the only way I know how to direct..
If you think you can, then you’re half way there. If you say, ‘I can’t,’ then you’re defeated..
Strategic partners are way more important than money..
It is not enough for us to know what is right and to believe it is good. We must be willing to stand up and be counted. We must be willing to act in ….
On tour, it's hard to do much writing, but if I'm on a deadline, I find a way..
There’s no key to the universe, you just have to point your way in one direction, keep going, keep going, keep going, and see what happens..
She didn't look at me and I didn't look at her. Some questions are so direct the only way to ask them is sideways..