Never say "never" about anything, because if you do, life has a way of humbling you..
If you're truly living the way Jesus lived, then you're going to get those people that disagree. But you're also going to get those people who, if yo….
Everybody's crazy in some way and everybody's weird, and that kind of makes us all the same in a lot of ways. We're not alone, we just think we are..
I'm a people person and I've met some great people along the way and made some great friends..
Politics has become unbelievably and unfortunately way too much about how much money is involved rather than what kind of ideas are involved..
Pray a little more, work a little harder, save, wait, be patient and, most of all, live within our means. That's the American way. It's not spending ….
We are professionals. We are going to finish that way. In reality, how we conduct ourselves in this period and how well our players play will be as g….
Never let a person's weakness get in the way of their strength..
To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born..
Fairy tales have a hidden power, and their appeal never ends. They're the best way to get messages across..
The film industry needs to find a way to bring audiences to movie theaters. It's more of a technical trick than a revolution..
In a way, putting actors deep into this sort of complicated universe frees them from thinking about who they should be. They just are somebody..
The horror genre has been for me an original way of taking an explicit visual and visionary approach to directing..
The only way cheese is dessert is when it's followed by the word cake..
I respect motorcycles so much. They've come such a long way. It's amazing!.
Aren't rumors great. Anyone can start them. They're a wonderful way to put out feelers. It's like getting the benefits of a publicist without paying ….
A man who loves good food has a way of making it gravitate toward his kitchen..
..leaders should be looked upon as being 'in front', 'sharing' rather than 'showing' the way... it is the followers who save leaders and therefore ma….
I don't mind wearing a corset; it informs your posture, changes the way you move, you can't slouch..
The way I work with music is that I take on the story..
Women's strength, women's industry, women's wisdom are humankind's greatest untapped resource. The challenge then for U.N. Women is to show our diver….