It's amazing. My kids have grown me in ways I never knew possible. The patience I've received and the love I get from them is just amazing..
I don't ever want to do anything that's obvious, and I also want to find ways to do things that are extremely new and exciting and can make sense in ….
So many boys and girls talk the same way, listen to the same music, look the same. If I'm out, I'll notice the person who looks different before I no….
The older we get the more we realize that service to others is the only way to stay happy. If we do nothing to benefit others we will do nothing to b….
There are a million ways to make money in the markets. The irony is that they are all very difficult to find..
It's more about, when I found someone that made me feel really happy, that was so different to the way I'd felt before in my life..
I'm the type of person who can get a feel for what you need and what I need to do to push you to get you to a breaking point, where you realize that ….
What is interesting to me is to find ways to work with early-stage innovators to build from the edge and work on tomorrows ideas..
I pitch with emotion. I don't know any other way..
If you in any way abate the doctrine of hell, it will abate your zeal..
I have a habit of recording records very quickly - and not in a haphazardly way, not in a way where I'm not focused on details, because I'm a freak w….
The most important thing is to figure out Your goal in life. If Your intentions and methods are correct, there is no way You will not achieve it..
I'm always surprised to see the way "friends" will twist things or trash people behind their backs..
The way to find out about our place in the universe is by examining the universe and by examining ourselves - without preconceptions, with as unbiase….
My own success was attended by quite a few failures along the way. But I refused to make the biggest mistake of all: worrying too much about making m….
but right now it's Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan all the way..
Look at the world around you & imagine it in a better way..
The fact is, we cannot drill our way to oil independence..
I think that in many ways, just as forgiveness is impossible without love, sometimes love requires forgiveness for it to work, too..
I've never been to Thailand and I've only heard good things about it. I really want to make my way there..
I have no agenda - just to be loved. Somebody said to me, 'Whenever somebody says your name, a smile comes to their face.' That's a great accolade. I….