Don’t do your best, do my best..
You can never be happy until you understand why you're doing what you're doing..
I don't ban bloggers from my shows. I have a separate line: VIP seating for bloggers..
When we open ourselves you yourself to me and I myself to you, when we submerge you into me and I into you when we vanish into me you and into you I ….
Bring me a wheel of oaken wood A rein of polished leather A Heavy Horse and a tumbling sky Brewing heavy weather..
When times change, so must we..
There's nothing that I buy that I don't wear..
...the more he did nothing, the less time he had to do anything..
We were all Romans once, I guess..
I've spent my life supporting myself..
You've got to have a gimmick if your band sucks..
In a stage play, you kill the leads and they come out for a bow - in a movie, they don't come out for a bow, they're dead..
Bing Crosby said that Armstrong is "the beginning and the end of music in America," and he wasn't far wrong..
I only do what I like to do..
Your either in or out. There's no in between..
In the beginning, everything was even money..
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit..
There's humor in everything. There's gotta be humor in everything..
Life isn't what it's like in the movies..
The weather was fine and moderate. The hunters all returned, having killed during their absence three elk, four deer, two porcupines, a fox and a har….
Life: I'll never understand it..