Far away Tongariro! Green - white thundering Athabasca river of New Zealand! I vowed I would come again down across the Pacific to fish in the swift ….
Boogie! I hate boogie, God, I mean, not the Chicago boogie like Willie Dixon or Howlin' Wolf, but all those awful white bands..
Whose leadership, whose judgment, whose values do you want in the White House when that lands like a thud on the oval office desk?.
Whereas men of an older school, like myself, smoke for the pleasure of smoking, men of this school smoke for the pleasure of pipe-owning-of selecting….
Sugar crystallizes something in our American Soul. It is emblematic of all Industrial Processes. And of the idea of becoming white. White Being equat….
Future of his nation does not depend on what happens at the White House, but what happens at your house.
When will we address the fact that rich, white people think they know what's in the best interest of children of African-Americans and Latinos - no m….
Do you remember when we picketed the White House in 1965?.
I'm trying to incorporate colour into my life. Until recently, everything in my closet was black, white, grey, navy or olive..
The White House has embarked on a mission to convince the people of our country that Social Security is in dire need of drastic change in order to sa….
I love writing but hate starting. The page is awfully white and it says, "You may have fooled some of the people some of the time but those days are ….
I was black growing up in an all-white neighborhood, so I felt like I just didn't fit in. Like I wasn't as good as everybody else, or as smart, or wh….
under his dripping hair, he was as white as parchment, his hands clenched at his sides so tightly that they were shaking. It seemed clear that some t….
I use a special tool. I make it myself; very sharp steel point and a handle like a pencil. For me it is a pencil. Maybe I have a special talent, a fe….
We white people think that we know everything..
Years bleach away the sense of things until all that's left is a bone-white past, stripped of feeling and significance..
I know people. Most have no earthly notion of the price of a snow-white conscience..
The white sun like a moth on a string circles the southpole..
To prevent enabling oppression, we demand that black people be twice as good. To prevent verifying stereotypes, we pledge to never eat a slice a wate….
I feel that my advances in the business world will shatter a lot of white myths about black athletes-and give some pride and hope to a lot of young b….
I am Charles Mingus, half black man, not even white enough to pass for nothing but black. I am Charles Mingus, a famed jazzman, but not famed enough ….