The tortured always remain tortured..
I'm closest to the music when I'm onstage with the band, playing..
The one-two punch of New York media calling up every agency and corporate advertiser, keeping lists of advertisers who stayed on - " i.e., with Bill ….
I'm as cruel as life. As cruel as love..
Oh, no, I was afraid of that! I'd better go and hide..
The celebrity thing is such a thing in itself now..
Don't seek more days in your life but more life in your days..
You can't choose your potential, but you can choose to fulfill it..
What we are not changing, we are choosing..
Is anything accidental?.
Spin-offs were never really my thing..
I always say I make pictures rather than take pictures..
There were a lot of days when I thought maybe this isn't what I should be doing. There've been a lot of days where you get to the point where you're ….
I love to live and I live to love..
There is no wisdom but in death.
I've been racketeered on..
What we do belongs to what we are; and what we are is what becomes of us..
You find out what's in you when it comes out.
For the most part, I'm extremely thankful for the life I have and what I get to do in the future..
The longer you live, the more likely you are to have something to say..
All of the music works on its own, but it doesn't really make as much sense without the picture..