Over the river and through the wood, To grandfather's house we go; The horse knows the way To carry the sleigh, Through the white and drifted snow..
But love, whether in Multan or on Siberia's icy tundra, whether in the winter or the summer, whether among the rich or the poor, whether among the be….
Most calves and fawns will soon die. Only the luckiest and fittest will survive. Therefore either hunters or Mother Nature can take them. The logical….
The tender pressure of his lips soothed her, like a warm drink in the dead of the winter, when every part of her felt so cold..
Vanity in an old man is charming. It is a proof of an open, nature. Eighty winters have not frozen him up, or taught him concealments. In a young per….
Michael Winter’s fiction is a lot like hearing him talk about his life… harrowing in an after-the-fact hilarious way. Full of wonder and mystery. A h….
We talk about spreading democracy and freedom all over the world, but they are to us words rather than conditions. We haven't even got them here in A….
But what Dakota most enjoyed about the beginning of winter was the crispness of the air (that practically demanded the wearing of knits) and the way ….
Anyone would think a thin stick like me, weak and miserable, would go down with everything: do you think I get more than my old cough every winter? I….
North Korea and China have proposed what sounds like a pretty sensible option that North Korea should end its development of nuclear weapons, the US ….
He is the rich man, and enjoys the fruit of his riches, who summer and winter forever can find delight in his own thoughts..
...some people might think our lives dull and uneventful, but it does not seem so to us. ...it is not travel and adventure that make a full life. The….
The long summer was over. For ages a tropical climate had prevailed over a great part of the earth, and animals whose home is now beneath the Equator….
As the end of the century approaches, all our culture is like flies at the beginning of winter. Having lost their agility, dreamy and demented, they ….
Did you love well what very soon you left? Come home and take me in your arms and take away this stomach ache, headache, heartache. Never so full, I ….
I require silence to write the way an apple tree requires winter to make fruit. Being with people is intimate and joyous, but at some point, I'll wan….
Winter giveth the fields, and the trees so old, their beards of icicles and snow..
Winter in Peking is insurpassable, unless indeed it is surpassed by the other seasons in that blessed city. For Peking is a city clearly marked by th….
I have a lot of nice Italian winter clothes that make me look like a sophisticated Lebanese professor, so my friend Robert and I go around pretending….
The English winter - ending in July to recommence in August.
We are the last remaining country to allow ourselves two breaks in the season. You just have to look at England, Italy and Spain, they play right thr….