Faith must be worked at..
Er-my-nee," Ron croaked unexpectedly from between them..
I have very strict rules in my head that seem to me to be the way things should sound..
You and I aren't friends either..
All that I seek is already within me..
Nill illigitamus carborundum.
Surely all of us are nerved by one another, catch courage from one another..
Life isn't what it's like in the movies..
What is wrong with you? Many, many things..
Things do not exist until they begin to appear..
The things we fear about poetry are the things that are good about poetry..
I would never exchange my life with anybody else's..
You work for whatever you get in life..
I find more peace with you..
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit..
Oh my god what am I doing with my life?.
I'm going for something very raw and organic..
Failure is a part of success..
Samuelson, however, hedged his personal bets - by putting some of his own money in Berkshire Hathaway..
I live to service you.
I like weird. I like weird a lot..