I have never gauged myself against anyone else..
I have seen the future, and it works..
Beauty makes us more like ourselves and more like each other..
You don't question where the music comes from, because it all comes from God..
Get all the education you can then go out and do something - do anything..
We like to have work to do, so as to have the right to rest..
You will invest your life in something, or you will throw it away on nothing..
I'm a wild lady. Not..
Anytime you’re on the podium, it’s good..
The English, the English, The English are best: So Up with the English and Down with the Rest!.
Nothing we did in those days has caused a change." "Because of what we did, things remained as they were, rather than getting worse," I told him..
Forward, always forward, everywhere forward..
When there is nothing to fear is the time to begin fearing everything..
Do not be astonished at anything, even happiness..
When God decides its time, I guess he'll come for us..
Napoleon is dead - but Beethoven lives..
I am one of the haunted..
I'm such a diva on set..
I'm Angie to everybody, you've got to learn..
I prefer nothing, unless it is true..
I let the scripts basically be my Bible..