Happiness? No, it's not there for me..
Things [only] exist once they are represented..
Confess and be hanged..
Wanderlust is incurable..
Everyone has a price..
Twice – Once too often..
I just love to compete.
Work usually follows will..
Learn early, learn often..
You better get it while you can.
I do to others what they do to me, only worse..
Mend it, fix it, make do, or do without..
How you start your day is how you live your day..
They are the we of me..
Mexicans are quasi-legal..
I'm pretty confident..
Change is like that: you are no longer where you were; you are not yet where you will get; you are nowhere exactly..
I don't do close-ups any more. I am better looking from the waist downwards..
We just keep on having to save each other", he says. "We ever gonna be even?" "I hope not," I say.
We just have to be ourselves..
I live quite an unsettled life..