I never read Karl Marx..
I graduated in '94 from Yale and New York Undercover was my first gig on TV. I was really all over the place with roles, which is what I wanted to do..
I just can't dance like no ones watching. I tried but it's futile..
I'd rather work to live than live to work..
I did Google myself recentle - without lubricant. I don't recommend it..
Come with me. It's so much better than coming alone. (Lucan whispered to Lena).
Confidence is the greatest friend..
How can you hide from what never goes away?.
Do not be afraid to be afraid..
Nature is not anthropomorphic..
Knowledge is not intelligence..
I observe a lot. I see a lot around me..
Someone once asked me what was the weirdest question I was ever asked. And I was stymied..
There's so much to be afraid of..
Je est un autre. (I is someone else)..
Time is how you spend your love..
Before I traveled my road I was my road..
The only fear is fear itself, so get rid of it..
Any woman is sexual, absolutely..
Don't be afraid to have nothing..
What I am I wished to be, and what I wished to be I am..