When I was 18 I already had a business going..
My business is to prevent the future..
Happiness? No, it's not there for me..
Things [only] exist once they are represented..
Confess and be hanged..
Wanderlust is incurable..
Everyone has a price..
Twice – Once too often..
I just love to compete.
Work usually follows will..
Learn early, learn often..
You better get it while you can.
I do to others what they do to me, only worse..
Mend it, fix it, make do, or do without..
They are the we of me..
Mexicans are quasi-legal..
I'm pretty confident..
Change is like that: you are no longer where you were; you are not yet where you will get; you are nowhere exactly..
I don't do close-ups any more. I am better looking from the waist downwards..
We just keep on having to save each other", he says. "We ever gonna be even?" "I hope not," I say.
We just have to be ourselves..