I never thought my face would be on the cover of a Red Bull Six Pack..
Here was the thing about traveling down an uncharted river: You could only say how long you'd been traveling; you could never say how long it would b….
Ski racing is not about how much you weigh. If weight was the key, everybody would be sucking down food..
Josh speculated about the hypothetical contents of an imaginary porn magazine for intelligent trees that would be entitled Enthouse..
No one thought I would be successful. Everyone thought I would fail. You have no idea how much courage it took for me to do this..
Were Moses to go up Mount Sinai today, the two tablets he'd bring down with him would be aspirin and Prozac..
If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire..
I'm kind of ADD. So I try to do one thing at a time. Otherwise, I would be sort of scattered and won't be 100% where I need to be for certain things..
For this I would be damned forever. For this I would have given up everything..
I think that without sushi there would be no David Hasselhoff, because sushi is like the perfect way of describing the insides of David Hasselhoff. H….
Once asked if he felt wearied by the constant onslaught of autograph seekers, actor Gregory Peck replied that he would be more worried when they stop….
If anything were FULLY explained, everything would be explained..
I want to draw subjects that seem very boring and everyday... Stuff that would be normal except for one thing. Or two things. Or stuff that's undenia….
It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow..
Anything from 1-0 to 2-0 would be a nice result.
I thought writing about somebody current would be a little closer to what I'm used to doing..
Living is being born slowly. It would be a little too easy if we could borrow ready-made souls..
They looked at each other. They weren't thinking anymore. The time for that had come and gone. Smashed smiles lay ahead of them. But that would be la….
Instead, what I was beginning to understand was that however things unfolded from here on, whatever the next chapter was, my life could never be the ….
To say I'll make your dreams come true would be wrong, but maybe, darling, I could help them along..
I would stand there at times and remember how beautiful God created this world, and then I would be reassured that he would certainly take care of me….