A lot of these movies are informed by the movies that come before them..
Anger is a good motivator..
Where would I be without my sense of direction..
I open to anything... just about anything..
Your word is your bond, you do what you say you're going to do..
Can you make yourself love? Can you make yourself loved? -Lena Kaligaris.
Things are what they are, and whatever will be, will be..
I love superconductors..
When something works for you, all you can do is cross your fingers and hope that it will work for someone else..
The '60s were an amazing time..
I have to reinvent myself..
I'm living the best life that I could ever be living..
I definitely take a lot of bad pictures!.
I just love to experience things. I would do almost anything once..
We live to avoid death, we exist to avoid unexistence.
I'm addicted to directing!.
Any necessary truth, whether a priori or a posteriori, could not have turned out otherwise.
I don't like to read novelizations of movies..
Glibness will get your anywhere..
Except I didn't say eff.
This is how we are protecting you, by getting you out..