The elect, those who will; the non-elect, those who won't..
Like readily consorts with like..
I don't see the point in working just to be working..
You can be maybe rented but never bought..
Better to have something to say than to have to say something..
Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good..
Death is something we shouldn't fear because, while we are, death isn't, and when death is, we aren't..
I was out-niggered, and I will never be out-niggered again..
For whatever you live is life..
You’re meant for me, and I will have you..
I'm happy to say I am a Harrison-Kreps-Keynesian..
It’s history. It’s poetry..
After I became confident in Him it didn't matter what anyone said because I was confident in something and someone way bigger than myself..
You learn a lot about each other from a tour, musically and humanly..
Just do what you like to do, and do it all the time..
You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it..
When history calls, history calls..
Is it possible to live so defensively that you never get to live at all?.
I know my sound when i hear it. My stroke is just my stroke..
There's something Vichy about the French..
I had rather be guillotined than a guillotiner..