Occupation: Entrepreneur Birth: 1985
Tip: Take the stodgiest, oldest, slowest moving industry you can find. And build amazing software for it..
Always look for these changing technology factors- any market that has a significant change in the underlying raw materials ...or enabling factors, i….
Go after the customers that are working in the future, but haven't totally lost their minds..
My downtime tends to resemble my uptime. Weekends are workdays, but toned down. Over the whole weekend, I may have five meetings, as opposed to six o….
Focus too much on the near-term and you won't get tomorrow's customers, focus too much on the long-term and you won't get today's..
We're enamored with the concept that there's always a price. But sometimes, your goal is to build a great company, not sell it..
The only barrier to entry you can create is to consistently build a great product..
Execute like there's no tomorrow, strategize like there will be..
I think people are always able to achieve more than they think they can. While that’s cliche, I don’t know if managers think about that enough. You h….
Entrepreneurship: 10% coach, 20% player, 30% cheerleader, 40% waterboy..
The IT model of the enterprise has become a lot more user lead..
Sometimes things are the way they are and can't be changed, other times it's because no one ever tried. Your job is to find the latter..
If you're waiting for encouragement from others, you're doing it wrong. By the time people think an idea is good, it's probably too late..
The 10% between 90% done to 100% done takes most of the time, causes most of the stress, but is all of the value..
What happens to the Microsofts, Oracles and IBMs of the world is that when they get big enough, they don't think they need to bring that same level o….
We're going from a world of customized software to standardized platforms..
Startups often win because it's easier to see what comes next when you don't have to worry about maintaining what came last..
I believe there's plenty of market for each; we're talking about an ecosystem that is going to support billions of devices, so a competitive landscap….
We didn't really start the company to go build an enterprise software company..
Startups live at the intersection of existential crisis and everything going perfectly great..
A lot of being productive personally is determined by how you organize your entire business. You can't separate those two things..