Occupation: Entrepreneur Birth: January 5, 1944
If you do not have goals of your own you are doomed forever to work to achieve the goals of someone else..
Poor or fuzzy communications are major time-wasters. Take the time to be crystal-clear in your communications with others..
There is a direct relationship between your own level of self-esteem and the health of your personality. The more you like and respect yourself, the ….
If you consistently and persistently do the things that other successful people do, nothing in the world can stop you from being a big success also..
Make a commitment today to something bigger and more important than yourself..
The law of correspondence says your outer world is a mirror of your inner world. Your outer world corresponds to your inner world. Your outer world o….
Discipline is what you must have to resist the lure of excuses.
A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of th….
Outstanding leaders have a sense of mission, a belief in themselves and the value of their work..
When you begin moving toward excellence, you will find very little competition. You're competing with only 20% of the population..
Ask for what you want.Ask for help,ask for input,ask for advice and ideas- but be afraid to ask..
Character is the ability to follow through on a resolution long after the emotion with which it was made has passed..
To be truly happy, you need a clear sense of meaning and purpose in life..
The more you like yourself, the better you do at everything you put your mind to..
All your hopes, dreams, goals and aspirations are amenable to hard work..
Your goal in life should be to enjoy the highest levels of health and energy possible. This requires that you eat the right foods and fewer of them. ….
Use testimonial letters from satisfied customers at every opportunity..
Self-doubt does more to sabotage individual potential than all external limitations put together..
If you move boldly in the direction of your goals, unseen forces will come to your aid..
Success is goals, everything else is commentary..
The whole purpose of working is to support your ideal lifestyle..