Occupation: Psychiatrist
Several elements of the ADD mind favor creativity....As mentioned earlier, the term 'attention deficit' is a misnomer. It is a matter of attention in….
Young people beginning a career need to realize that there are lots of "buses" in life. More often than not, selecting which one to be on determines ….
A human moment is a term I invented to distinguish in-person communication from electronic. Human moments are exponentially more powerful than electr….
From the biological standpoint, people deprived of the human moment in their day-to-day business dealings, actually in all domains of their lives, ar….
Fear shuts people down. When you feel safe, your brain is free to soar. When you feel in danger, your brain goes into survival mode, not peak perform….
You brain does its best when it is doing a task it can do well. That's basic brain science..
Modern loneliness is an extraverted loneliness, in which the person is surrounded by many people and partakes of much communication but feels unrecog….
I agree with Stephen Covey that too many people spend too much time on doing what is urgent rather than on doing what is import..
Many people persist in the wrong job, trying year after year to get good at what they're bad at or at what they dislike. Like marrying the wrong pers….
We live in a paradox: connected electronically but disconnected interpersonally. However, when you recognize the problem, you can take steps to corre….
It is the greatest feeling in the world. When we shine, we defy death for the moment. We enter into a state of immersion in the craft we ply, a state….
It is especially important for managers to know about, neuroplasticity, the greatest discovery in neuroscience in the past 20 years. It refers to the….
To create worry humans elongate fear with anticipation and memory, expand it in imagination and fuel it with emotion. The uniquely human mental proce….
Lack of respect for the worker. This nourishes disconnection, fear, anger, phoniness, and all the bad stuff that impedes excellence..
Newcomers should be put in an established position where the expectations are known and help is available. New major assignments should mainly go to ….
People associate hard work and overload with stress. But, like suffering, stress is complicated. Bad stress is stress that a system can't endure with….
All connections matter, but the people you depend upon matter most..
I would suggest that excellence occurs in direct proportion to necessary suffering, but in inverse proportion to unnecessary suffering or toxic stres….
No work is "most important." Or, put differently, all work is important but work done poorly becomes most important..
When we forgive, the slave we free is ourselves..
In order to do what really matters to you, you have to, first of all, know what really matters to you..