Occupation: Roman Emperor Birth: April 26, 121 Death: March 17, 180
It were well to die if there be gods, and sad to live if there be none..
The universal nature out of the universal substance, as if it were wax, now molds a horse, and when it has broken this up, it uses the material for a….
Whatever anyone does or says, I must be emerald and keep my colour..
Ifit be a thing external that causes thy grief, know, that it is not that properly that doth cause it, but thine own conceit and opinion concerning t….
Every soul, the philosopher says, is involuntarily deprived of truth; consequently in the same way it is deprived of justice and temperance and benev….
...small too even the longest fame thereafter, which is itself subject to a succession of little men who quickly die, and have no knowledge of themse….
Look deep into the hearts of men, and see what delights and disgusts the wise..
Failure to read what is happening in another's soul is not easily seen as a cause of unhappiness: but those who fail to attend the motions of their o….
Life is short. Do not forget about the most important things in our life, living for other people and doing good for them..
Everything is interwoven, and the web is holy; none of its parts are unconnected. They are composed harmoniously, and together - they compose the wor….
I'm going to be meeting with people today who talk too much - people who are selfish, egotistical, ungrateful. But I won't be surprised or disturbed,….
The inner master, when confronted with an obstacle, uses it as fuel, like a fire which consumes things that are thrown into it. A small lamp would be….
No longer let thy breathing only act in concert with the air which surrounds thee, but let thy intelligence also now be in harmony with the intellige….
When you need encouragement, think of the qualities the people around you have: this one's energy, that one's modesty, another's generosity, and so o….
What matter and opportunity [for thy activity] art thou avoiding? For what else are all these things, except exercises for the reason, when it has vi….
The happiness and unhappiness of the rational, social animal depends not on what he feels but on what he does; just as his virtue and vice consist no….
Pray look upon the plants and birds, the ants, spiders, and bees, and you will see them all exerting their nature, and busy in their station. Pray, s….
How very near us stand the two vast gulfs of time, the past and the future, in which all things disappear..
A man is a little soul carrying around a courpse..
Look beneath the surface; let not the several quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee..
We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the product of several, and the majority of our controversies come from that..