Occupation: Roman Emperor Birth: April 26, 121 Death: March 17, 180
Live not one's life as though one had a thousand years, but live each day as the last..
My only fear is doing something contrary to human nature - the wrong thing, the wrong way, or at the wrong time..
God sees the minds (ruling principles) of all men bared of the material vesture and rind and impurities. For with his intellectual part alone he touc….
Give yourself a gift: the present moment..
The gods sustain and guide all their works..
Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; but if a thing is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach..
Even while a thing is in the act of coming into existence, some part of it has already ceased to be..
It is not the body, nor the personality that is the true self. The true self is eternal. Even on the point of death we can say to ourselves, "my true….
But if anything in thy own dispositiongives thee pain, who hinders thee from correcting thy opinion? And even if thou art pained because thou art not….
He who eats my bread, does my will..
Neither worse then nor better is a thing made by being praised..
Let it judge that nothing is either bad or good which can happen equally to the bad man and the good. For that which happens equally to him who lives….
To expect an impossibility is madness..
... Allow yourself a space of quiet, wherein you can add to your knowledge of the Good and learn to curb your restlessness. Guard also against anothe….
It is satisfaction to a man to do the proper works of a man..
Does the light of the lamp shine without losing its splendour until it is extinguished; and shall the truth which is in thee and justice and temperan….
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, in so far as it stands ready against the accidental and the unforeseen, and is not apt to fall..
A lucky chance is constant in nothing but inconstancy..
The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it out. There are brambles in the path? Then go around. That's all you need to know..
A good man does not spy around for the black spots in others, but presses unswervingly on towards his mark..
Today I escaped all circumstance, or rather I cast out all circumstance, for it was not outside me, but within my judgements..