Occupation: Philosopher Birth: 428 Bc Death: 348 Bc
All soul is immortal. For that which is always in movement is immortal; that which moves something else, and is moved by something else, in ceasing f….
for a poet is a light and winged thing, and holy, and never able to compose until he has become inspired, and is beside himself, and reason is no lon….
.. we shall not be properly educated ourselves, nor will the guardians whom we are training, until we can recognise the qualities of discipline, cour….
The Paphian Queen to Cnidos made repair Across the tide to see her image there: Then looking up and round the prospect wide, When did Praxiteles see ….
To him who disgraces his family life is no life, and to such a person there is no one a friend, neither while living nor when dead..
If a man be endowed with a generous mind, this is the best kind of nobility..
He who gives himself to a lover because he is a good man, and in the hope that he will be improved by his company, shows himself to be virtuous, even….
That is very high praise, which is given you by faithful witness..
Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was every granted by the gods to man..
A man who is good for anything ought not to calculate the chance of living or dying; he ought only to consider whether in doing anything he is doing ….
I really do not know, Socrates, how to express what I mean. For somehow or other our arguments, on whatever ground we rest them, seem to turn round a….
No intelligent man will ever be so bold as to put into language those things which his reason has contemplated..
When there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income..
It is vain for the sober man to knock at poesy's door..
When a man drinks wine at dinner, he begins to be better pleased with himself..
I should not like to say ... that any kind of knowledge is not to be learned; for all knowledge appears to be a good..
A tyrant... is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader..
To a good man nothing that happens is evil..
The tyranny imposed on the soul by anger, or fear, or lust, or pain, or envy, or desire, I generally call 'injustice.'.
And the true order of going, or being led by another, to the things of love, is to begin from the beauties of earth..
Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power become lovers of wisdom.