Occupation: Philosopher Birth: 428 Bc Death: 348 Bc
From a short-sided view, the whole moving contents of the heavens seemed to them a parcel of stones, earth and other soul-less bodies, though they fu….
A man's duty is to find out where the truth is, or if he cannot, at least to take the best possible human doctrine and the hardest to disprove, and t….
Don't quarrel with your parents even if you are on the right..
As there are misanthropists or haters of men, so also are there misologists, or haters of ideas..
In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the h….
When men speak ill of thee, live so that nobody will believe them..
The judge should not be young, he should have learned to know evil, not from his own soul, but from late and long observation of the nature of evil i….
Experience proves that anyone who has studied geometry is infinitely quicker to grasp difficult subjects than one who has not..
I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly conflict..
Wise men speak because they have something to say.
... Societies aren t made of sticks and stones, but of men whose individual characters, by turning the scale one way or another, determine the direct….
As the builders say, the larger stones do not lie well without the lesser..
He seemeth to be most ignorant that trusteth most to his wit..
A written discourse on any subject is bound to contain much that is fanciful..
But of the heaven which is above the heavens, what earthly poet ever did or ever will sing worthily?.
Is there anything worse for a state than to be split and disunited? or anything better than cohesion and unity?.
Philosophy is an elegant thing, if anyone modestly meddles with it; but if they are conversant with it more than is becoming, it corrupts them..
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being.
The doctors will treat those of your citizens whose physical and psychological constitution is good: as for the others, they will leave the unhealthy….
Pleasure is the greatest incentive to evil..
Much sleep is not required by nature, either for our souls or bodies, or for the action in which they are concerned..