Occupation: Author Birth: 1941
If you're experiencing no anxiety or discomfort, the risk you're taking probably isn't worthy of you. The only risks that aren't a little scary are t….
As tough as it sometimes looks on the front end, it's easier to do right than undo wrong..
Narrow life down to what's precious and necessary. In a world of complexity the best weapon is simplicity..
Who is this vague "they" we blame for so many of our problems? "They" is the obscure party we use as our whipping boy to camouflage the fact that we ….
...Force yourself to use the optimist's explanatory style: 'The situation is temporary. The effect will be limited, not pervasive. And it's due to ex….
In these times of self-directed teams, empowered employees, and "boundaryless" organizations, your worth as an individual employee will also get meas….
Some people argue against both optimism and pessimism in favor of so-called realistic thinking. They distrust optimism on the grounds that it causes ….
You can’t bake a cake without getting the kitchen messy. Halfway through surgery it looks like there’s been a murder in the operating room. If you se….
You have to get beyond blaming others . . . give up your excuses . . . stand responsible for what you do . . . ultimately, ethics ends up an individu….
Ethical dilemmas have a way of sneaking up on a person. If something smells funny, stay away from it. Or help get rid of it..
The ethics of excellence requires a sense of perspective. Look at the big picture. If you live for the moment you might mortgage the future? What hap….
Your ethical muscle grows stronger every time you choose right over wrong..
When you see people with "the right stuff," those who choose the right over the wrong or the "iffy," let them know you're proud of them. Encourage th….
Eventually we have to "settle up" and pay the price for our ethical violations. Just remember the old line that says, "You can pay me now . . . or yo….
"You, who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by-"* You'll find universal agreement on the value of a behavior code, on the need for ….
...There's a lot more to be gained from being grateful than you might think. Managing your outlook towards appreciation and thankfulness feeds the so….
If you become a giver, you'll make them feel like they want to reciprocate..
No sense being pessimistic. Wouldn't work anyway..
Notice that "I" is at the center of the word "ethical." There is no "they." Achieving the ethics of excellence is our individual assignment..
We can't achieve excellence through talent alone. Or merely by making technological improvements. We can't even buy our way to excellence, no matter ….
The only way we can develop muscle is through regular exercise. As soon as we stop stretching and working toward higher ethics, our standards start t….