Occupation: Philosopher Birth: November 16, 1938 Death: January 23, 2002
The scientists often have more unfettered imaginations than current philosophers do. Relativity theory came as a complete surprise to philosophers, a….
Our main conclusions about the state are that a minimal state, limited, to the narrow functions of protection against force, theft, fraud, enforcemen….
The illegitimate use of a state by economic interests for their own ends is based upon a preexisting illegitimate power of the state to enrich some p….
Taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor. Seizing the results of someone's labor is equivalent to seizing hours from him and dir….
Taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor..
Marxian exploitation is the exploitation of people's lack of understanding of economics..
The trouble with government regulation of the market is that it prohibits capitalistic acts between consenting adults..
You can't satisfy everybody; especially if there are those who will be dissatisfied unless not everybody is satisfied..
Instead of trying to prove your opponent wrong, try to see in what sense he might be right..
Is there really someone who, searching for a group of wise and sensitive persons to regulate him for his own good, would choose that group of people ….
No one has ever announced that because determinism is true thermostats do not control temperature..
Whoever makes something having bought or contracted for all other held resources used in the process (transferring some of his holdings for these coo….
Some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly ex….
A distribution is just if it arises from another just distribution by legitimate means..
Individuals have rights and there are things no person or group may do to them (without violating their rights). So strong and far-reaching are these….
Wisdom is not just knowing fundamental truths, if these are unconnected with the guidance of life or with a perspective on its meaning. If the deep t….
Only the refusal to listen guarantees one against being ensnared by the truth..
Philosophical argument, trying to get someone to believe something whether he wants to believe it or not, is not, I have held, a nice way to behave t….
Through the evolutionary process, those who are able to engage in social cooperation of various sorts do better in survival and reproduction..
Utopia is a meta-utopia: the environment in which Utopian experiments may be tried out; the environment in which people are free to do their own thin….
What else can matter to us, other than how our lives feel from the inside?.