Birth: 1961
Ultimately we want to use dream to liberate ourselves from all relative conditions, not simply to improve them..
The Mother Tantra says that if one is not aware in vision, it is unlikely that one will be aware in behavior. If one is not aware in behavior, one is….
Developing the capacity for clear light dreams is similar to developing the capacity of abiding in the non-dual presence of rigpa during the day. In….
If we cannot remain present during sleep, if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? If we enter our drea….
We enter the bardo, the intermediate state after # death , just as we enter dream after falling asleep. If our experience of # dream lacks clar….
The natural purity of our mind is of no use to us if we are not aware of it, and if we do not integrate it with our moving mind. If we realize ou….
The attempt to satisfy greed is like drinking salty water when thirsty. When lost in greed we look outward rather than inward for satisfaction, yet ….
From the body of the unborn essence arises the sphere of light, and from that sphere of light arises wisdom. From the wisdom arises the seed syllable….
No matter how long the room has been dark, an hour or a million years, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit the entire room becomes luminous. You ….
All experience and phenomena are understood to be a dream, this should not be just an intellectual understanding, but a vivid and lucid experience...….
Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake..
Dream, rather than let yourself be dreamt.