R.G. Belsky's thought-provoking thriller, The Kennedy Connection, introduces us to a smart, witty, and human hero whose quest to find answers about two crimes - one famous, one all but unnoticed - is loaded with tension and full of unexpected twists and turns. I loved The Kennedy Connection, and can't wait for the next Gil Malloy novel.
someone was telling me that no more applications were being accepted for the position of God. - Jan Burke
someone was telling me that no more applications were being accepted for the position of God.
- Jan Burke
having people talk about you is an indication of how much more exciting your life is than theirs. - Jan Burke
having people talk about you is an indication of how much more exciting your life is than theirs.
If the Internet has given us anything, it's some idea of how much psychosis goes undiagnosed. - Jan Burke
If the Internet has given us anything, it's some idea of how much psychosis goes undiagnosed.
R.G. Belsky's thought-provoking thriller, The Kennedy Connection, introduces us to a smart, witty, and human hero whose quest to find answers about t… - Jan Burke
R.G. Belsky's thought-provoking thriller, The Kennedy Connection, introduces us to a smart, witty, and human hero whose quest to find answers about t…
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