Now supposing I had the part of a young woman to give out, one that wanted some excellent acting. If I were to go to the stage for my actress I would….
Violence within the context of policing has a sense of control and power to it, whether it is dominance, getting what you want, or acting out of emot….
I have my own method [of acting]. I come from, I've interrogated people; I come from an undercover background, so it's hard to teach an old dog new t….
Theatrically, you are aware of every part of you in acting; every component of your surroundings, including the clothes you wear. voiceover, ….
I can see clearly now... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate..
There is less pressure as a character actor. It generally means that you will be acting for all of your life, which is my intention. It is not my int….
Activist: not as much acting as it is reacting- which is my story.
I've worked with acting coaches, I've been going out on auditions and meeting with casting directors. But I'm not known as an actress..
I was never a villain on the stage. I always played strong, sympathetic types. My first stage role with a speaking part, believe it or not, was as a ….
People ask me many times, "Aren't you afraid you're going to scare people? Aren't you afraid you're going to make people feel bad about the human rac….
The thing about anything in life is you have to get ready for it. Study, learn and in terms of acting, there's a lot to learn. The bigger culture you….
Good acting is thinking in front of the camera. I just do that and apply a sense of humor to it. You have to trust the audience to get it..
When Levin thought what he was and what he was living for, he could find no answer to the questions and was reduced to despair; but when he left off ….
You don't see Indians in Hollywood films around which a story can revolve. As soon as we have a social presence in your society, I am sure there will….
When I get to my deathbed, I don't want to take my last breath and say, Well, how glorious. I've left the world my acting credits. I won't even think….
Listen, I like great actors. You can be a movie star without being a great actor - this has been proved several times - and I like my casts to have g….
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I can't really connect with things unless they are spiritual in nature, so I have to make acting spiritual for myself, and each role a spiritual jour….
I prefer true over happy now..
The best part of acting is the rehearsal, because that is where the real discovery comes. And if you're lucky, some of that actually makes it onto th….
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..