You know, you're just sitting with him [Chevy Chase], then you're doing a scene with him and acting, and all of a sudden you go, "Omigod, that's Chev….
Reagents are regarded as acting by virtue of a constitutional affinity either for electrons or for nuclei... the terms electrophilic (electron-seekin….
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
I've been acting for many years, and the more you do, the more confidence you get about "this is my career and this is what I'm going to be doing.".
Acting was my classroom in many ways and I always believed and I still do that acting is not just about pretending to be someone else, it's also abou….
I'd started going to acting classes at 14, played 'Medea' at 15 and really wanted to be a classical actress..
I think that acting is a very humanizing profession..
I have just gained a deeper and deeper respect for acting and the whole art of it because you're really trying to live a life and to do the best just….
As an actor, if you were to simplify what acting really is, it's about letting go..
There is nothing that one can say about acting, writing, producing or directing that cannot be revoked in the next breath. Nothing is immutable. The ….
I mean there's that awesome quote where Joanne Woodward said, 'Acting is like sex: you should do it, not talk about it.'.
When women get great roles in life, they start to get great roles in films and TV. Look at Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright, and Mrs. Thatcher. Because….
If you really do want to be an actor who can satisfy himself and his audience, you need to be vulnerable. [You must] reach the emotional and intellec….
The thing I love about acting is getting to change and look at different people in different lives and do different projects..
At the age of 15 I began my singing lessons, and once I became a professional performer, I dove into acting..
I like doing small parts, because I don't feel I'm that practised in acting. It's like making baby steps towards a bigger goal..
I don't know if I'm always going to be acting. Maybe when I grow up, I will be a scriptwriter. I already have a few scripts in my head..
And then in the FBI report it says that Hillary Clinton can't remember her exit interview from the FBI because of her concussion because she didn't h….
Once I got started acting I loved it..
I think what's so attractive about acting is that you get to live several lifetimes in one..
It's one of those things that hits you when you're not even looking for it. It's a moment when you find those words surging through your mind - "I fe….