Rehabilitate the germs that cause bad breath..
There are so many women out there relying on me to represent them..
You have to do what you fear, otherwise fear is in charge..
Bette Midler can say four-letter words and make you love it..
Nonviolence is a quality not of the body but of the soul..
What could be worse than having to be seen resorting to your own life..
Better to be screwed physically than financially..
Sensuality not only debases both body and mind, but dulls the keen edge of pleasure..
There was a time when He was not..
It is very little to me to have the right to vote, to own property, etc., if I may not keep my body, and its uses, in my absolute right.
Architecture is exposed to life. If its body is sensitive enough, it can assume a quality that bears witness to past life..
It's none of the governments business who comes to, in, on, or from my body..
God wisely designed the human body so that we can neither pat our own backs nor kick ourselves too easily..
My poetry definitely comes out of a female body..
When the soul has left the body, it belongs to death. And it cannot be taken back without a price..
I wondered if it was possible to donate my body to science before I was actually dead. I wondered if a disease were to be named after me what the sym….
Sometimes my backswing gets long, and I get in bad positions. The club also can get behind me coming down, so I have to flip my hands to catch up to ….
I had a totally normal relationship with my body..
The theory I propose may therefore be called a theory of the Electromagnetic Field because it has to do with the space in the neighbourhood of the el….
It is placing the Executive and the Movement in an absolutely wrong position to be taking your conscience round from body to body asking to be told w….