You know that great car-stomach feeling when you fly over a hump? That was my whole body..
When bodies spring apart, because the air Somehow condenses, wander they from truth: For then a void is formed, where none before; And, too, a voi….
When you awaken, you will see that this is Heaven on Earth, and everything in physical form is the body of God..
And thus thou canst remark that every act At bottom exists not of itself, nor is As body is, nor has like name with void; But rather of sort more ….
But yet creation's neither crammed nor blocked About by body: there's in things a void- Which to have known will serve thee many a turn, Nor will ….
There is nothing I fear so much as idleness, the want of occupation, inactivity, the lethargy of the faculties; when the body is idle, the spirit suf….
The soul suffers when the body is diseased or traumatized, while the body suffers when the soul is ailing..
A great advantage I had when I started The Body Shop was that I had never been to business school..
Written on the body is a secret code only visible in certain lights; the accumulations of a lifetime gather there.
Who knows what the human body would expand and flow out to under a more genial heaven?.
I don't want to be defined by being the founder of the Body Shop, and I don't want to be defined as a woman suffering from Hepatitis C. There's more ….
The mind grows sicker than the body in contemplation of it's suffering..
Our bodies look solid, but they arent. Were like a fountain. A fountain of water looks solid, but you can put your fingers right through it. Our bodi….
Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip," Jonathan would say, other times, "is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break t….
A woman has so many parts to her body, life is very hard indeed..
You see what kills your body but you don't see what kills your soul..
I encounter millions of bodies in my life; of these millions, I may desire some hundreds; but of these hundreds, I love only one..
What is to reach the heart must come from above; if it does not come from thence, it will be nothing but notes, body without spirit..
It is absolutely impossible at the same time to be a man of understanding and not to be ashamed to gratify the body..
No body of men can be said to authorize a man to act as their agent, to the injury of a third person..
People say, ''I'm a woman trapped in a man's body'' or ''I'm a man trapped in a woman's body,'' but I say ''I'm trapped in a body.''.