By breaking down our sense of self-importance, all we lose is a parasite that has long infected our minds. What we gain in return is freedom, opennes….
The first precept in Buddhism is "Do not kill." This precept is not merely a legalistic prohibition, but a realization of our affinity with all who s….
There is much appeal for me in Eastern religion, the little I know of it. And something thorny in me finds American adaptations of Buddhism terribly ….
A person without an Apple watch is perfectly content with his present watch but when he sees his friends buying the watch, he will hanker for an Appl….
Buddhism is all about science. If science is the systematic pursuit of the accurate knowledge of reality, then science is Buddhism, Buddhism is scien….
All know the way, but few actually walk it..
I think oysters are more beautiful than any religion,' he resumed presently. 'They not only forgive our unkindness to them; they justify it, they inc….
What feeds me destroys me..
How could sufferings be relieved through purification? To know the Path is to get lost at the ford. Indeed, sickness comes from worldly love And pove….
Meow, Meow, Motherfucker..
A secular approach is not a dumbing down, it's not reductively identifying Buddhism with one or two particular techniques of meditation, but it is ac….
When the mind is full of memories and preoccupied by the future, it misses the freshness of the present moment. In this way, we fail to recognize the….
A comprehended God is no God at all!.
To me, as a visual artist, I don't want to get into the theory of Buddhism. There are many Buddhism theories and they fight each other, like Christia….
I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire!.
We each need to make our lion's roar - to persevere with unshakable courage when faced with all manner of doubts and sorrows and fears - to declare o….
India is developing a lot of soft power, and it's not just about us providing outsourcing and call centers to the world. We are providing a lot of th….
While 'Buddhism' suggests another belief system, 'dharma practice' suggests a course of action. The four ennobling truths are not propositions to bel….
People may wish to say that the thing that is in conflict with my creativity is not Buddhism - that's fine..
Gut level is a good level to deal with life, and for me, I have to say that Buddhism makes sense for me because it's how I'm an artist..
Do not encumber your mind with useless thoughts. What good does it do to brood on the past or anticipate the future? Remain in the simplicity of the ….