Civilization does not engross all the virtues of humanity: she has not even her full share of them. They flourish in greater abundance and attain gre….
The charms of seclusion are seldom combined with the conveniences of civilization..
Humankind is able to create new conditions, a new reality. We are not fated to swim forever among the realities that are here now. ... Everything tha….
Civilization, in fact, grows more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole a….
In civilization, as in a southern latitude, man degenerates at length, and yields to the incursion of more northern tribes..
One of the biggest problems of our contemporary civilization is that there's been an interruption of transmission. People have no past in their prese….
Baroque civilization believed in two truths, which for a post-18th-century mindset are exclusive truths - we have to eliminate one to believe the oth….
I came to see that man finds meaning in his existence only through the active demonstration of his human self, a cosmos comprising the entire constel….
It's one of the bases of all human existence - the relation between parents and children, whether biologically or metaphorically. It's something we c….
Civilization is the encouragement of differences..
English civilization rests largely upon tea and cricket, with mighty spurts of enjoyment on Derby Day, and at Newmarket..
As an advocate of birth control I wish ... to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the 'unfit' and the 'fit,' admittedly the greate….
The civilized man is a larger mind but a more imperfect nature than the savage..
Organized charity itself is. . . the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of def….
While he was alive Peter Jennings did considerable damage to the cause of civilization and human deceny [sic] by his sympathy for Jew-hating terroris….
Our idea of what constitutes social good has advanced with the procession of the ages, from those desperate times when just to keep body and soul tog….
Promises controversy on a scale not seen since Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations sought to reframe a new world order..
The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you but we develop an etiquette that allows us to deal with each other because ….
But once we recognize that many ideas that are taken to be quintessentially Western have also flourished in other civilizations, we also see that the….
Our civilization ... is not devaluing its awareness of the unknowable; nor is it deifying it. It is the first civilization that has severed it from r….
The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the ….