I'm going to let my friends in the other parties fight over the turf at the cutting edge of the status quo..
The short-cut to popularity is to lend everyone your ears, instead of giving them your tongue.
Be prepared to cut your little extra lines that come after a big punchline and move on to the next joke or routine to give your set more punch and cr….
The place where I think social media fails is in showing the knowledge, the tradition of stitching the clothing, of cutting the fabric, of the tanner….
I think when you're doing something cutting edge like 'The Matrix,' it might mean when everybody's saying 'no' that you're really on the right track..
And I have to tell you as a grandmother, I worry about the fact that my grandchildren are going to be paying for all the spending, including military….
The pencil-stroke is like cutting into the heart..
Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite..
In 1882 I was in Vienna, where I met an American whom I had known in the States. He said: 'Hang your chemistry and electricity! If you want to make a….
in her dreams, blood tasted like fizzy strawberry soda. If you drank it too fast, you got brain freeze. When she was older, after she'd licked a cut ….
We are a cut-and-paste culture. The aim of the protectionists is to argue that a cut-and-paste culture is criminal. Well, it's only criminal if there….
Before we go, I gotta know: If mind-reading abilities are real, there's something else I wondered if fiction got right about vampires-" "Ask me if I ….
If all you think we need to do to get this economy going and get this country on the right track is to cut government and reduce taxes, you don't und….
I've always been altering clothing my entire life. But I would have to say my first real amateur endeavor would have to be drawing, designing and the….
Paralysis, anxiety stomachs, arthritis and many ills and aberrations have been relieved by auditing them. An E-Meter shows them up and makes them con….
Trying to change ourselves in order to please others - so that we can feel temporarily whole for having won their approval - is like cutting a flower….
The three main political parties all agree the UK deficit is high and needs to be brought down. All agree that it is easier to get a deficit down if ….
When it comes to economics, president-elect [Donald] Trump has promised to revive American manufacturing, get tough on trade with China, cut taxes an….
There will be no job cuts arising out of this merger in Europe - this is in the interest of jobs in Europe..
A censor is an expert in cutting remarks. A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to..
Only men would think of cutting themselves to determine who the packleader is. Idiots..