When the generation after me started getting on the cut, a lot of them would call me over to hang out or go jam and scratch and they were always sepa….
Mindfulness of the resources we have and respect for where we live, eat, and sleep is a good starting point. Being conscious of your consumption, wha….
In fact, I'd say that the sources of the economy's expansion from 2003 to 2007 were, in order, the housing bubble, the war, and - very much in third ….
After every major conflict - World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the fall of the Soviet Union - what happened was that we ultimately hollowed ….
A lot of modernism does seem to come out of a fear of being thought an ordinary storyteller. So they tell it backwards and they tell it in the presen….
I felt a bit bookish, cut off from life..
Shape clay into a vessel; It is the space within that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows for a room; It is the holes which make it useful. ….
Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. I personally don't know a single person who doesn't know at….
If the intuition-mongering were abandoned, would that be the end of philosophy? It would be the end of a certain style of philosophy - a style that h….
You know, sometimes I'll go to an 8th-grade graduation and there's all that pomp and circumstance and gowns and flowers. And I think to myself, it's ….
Start your own revolution, cut out the middleman In a perfect world we'd all sing in tune But this is reality so give me some room So join the strugg….
I assume the president's going to say he got bad intelligence... I think that wherever you see poverty, whether it's in the white rural community or ….
There is a difficulty about disagreeing with God. He is the source from which all your reasoning power comes: you could not be right and he wrong any….
I didn't know why I was coming to this room. Someone just told me to go to Sam Raimi's office. I knew that I uniquely had the comics version of his j….
I'm not interested in cutting the feet off my characters or stretching them to make them fit my certain political view..
The seams, the laminae between the various worlds the past present and future as well as the living and the nonliving may not be as distinct and clea….
This movie [ Buried] is strange, because it's such an extraordinary situation, both as a character and as an actor. Both of us are going through an e….
The greatest penalty of evil-doing is to grow into the likeness of bad men, and, growing like them, to fly from the conversation of the good, and be ….
Nowadays almost all man's improvements, so called, as the building of houses and the cutting down of the forest and of all large trees, simply deform….
I think the tax cut is ridiculous but so am I..
In London - and forget those extra public pressures on politicians - the lovely old Sloane world of manor houses simply hasn't cut it since Big Bang ….